If you have children and are going through the process of a separation or divorce, perhaps the greatest cause of stress and discord are the questions surrounding what will happen to the children following the breakdown of your marriage. Who will have custody? Where will the children live during the separation? How will they be affected? After you retain Kain & Ball to assist you with your child custody matter, your child custody lawyers Toronto will answer these questions and provide you with expert advice and guidance. You’ll be able to rest assured that your best interests, and the best interests of your children, are being taken care of from a legal perspective by our experienced legal team so that you can focus your attention on your family during this difficult time. The lawyers at Kain & Ball have dealt with child custody matters across the GTA and in forums in Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Hamilton, Markham, Oshawa and Niagara. In addition, the lawyers at Kain & Ball have considerable experience in dealing with interprovincial as well as international custody disputes and Applications under the Hague Convention.
We Know Family Law
Child Custody Lawyers Toronto & Mississauga
Custody Of And Access To Children

What You Should Know About Child Custody
Perhaps the most common questions asked by parents at the early stages of family law or divorce proceedings are those surrounding custody. Custody and residence, contrary to what many people believe, are not one and the same. Custody deals with decision making, while residence deals with where the child lives. It is possible, for instance, for parties to have joint custody but for the child to be primarily resident with one of the parties. Access is often the term used to describe the time that children spend with the parent with whom they do not primarily reside with. The governing principle that courts use to determine child-related issues such as custody, primary residence, and access schedules is the best interests of the children.
Ideally, the approach to the resolution of parenting issues involves both parents working together and cooperating to come to an arrangement that works well for the family and is in the best interests of the children. However, in some circumstances, this ideal approach is just not possible. An experienced child custody lawyer Toronto at Kain & Ball deal with numerous cases involving the determination of child custody, access, and primary residence.
Why You Need An Experienced Access and Child Custody Lawyer Toronto
We have the experience and expertise to provide you with the right advice and strategy to negotiate the right custody, access, and residence arrangements for your family. In some instances, where a resolution cannot be reached by way of negotiation, it may be necessary to go to court to obtain an order for custody or access. In these cases, it is imperative that your child custody lawyer is a skilled advocate with litigation experience who will represent your interests and put your best case forward. Our commitment to our clients ensures that we will do exactly that. Among the lawyers at Kain & Ball are experienced negotiators, accomplished litigators, child custody lawyers Toronto and practiced advocates who take a client-focused, results-oriented approach to every aspect of a case.
At Kain & Ball, we understand that your children are your top priority, and as such our experienced team of family law lawyers will treat your child-related issues as just that: a top priority. We have the experience and expertise you need to deal with whatever child-related issues may arise in your case. The legal team at Kain & Ball has experience across the whole spectrum of child-related issues: from child protection matters and experience with the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) to dealing with the Office of the Children’s Lawyer (OCL) and custody and access assessments to dealing with mobility issues. At your free consultation, we will discuss your issues and ensure that you are matched with the best lawyer on our team to fulfill your needs.
To book your free consultation with a child custody lawyers in Toronto, call 1-855-773-4588 or e-mail us at contact@kainfamilylaw.com.
Custody Of And Access To Children
If you have children and are going through the process of a separation or divorce, perhaps the greatest cause of stress and discord are the questions surrounding what will happen to the children following the breakdown of your marriage. Who will have custody? Where will the children live during the separation? How will they be affected? After you retain Kain & Ball to assist you with your child custody matter, our child custody lawyers in Toronto answer these questions and provide you with expert advice and guidance. You’ll be able to rest assured that your best interests, and the best interests of your children, are being taken care of from a legal perspective by our experienced legal team so that you can focus your attention on your family during this difficult time. The lawyers at Kain & Ball have dealt with child custody matters across the GTA and in forums in Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Hamilton, Markham, Oshawa and Niagara. In addition, the lawyers at Kain & Ball have considerable experience in dealing with interprovincial as well as international custody disputes and Applications under the Hague Convention.
What You Should Know About Child Custody
Perhaps the most common questions asked by parents at the early stages of family law or divorce proceedings are those surrounding custody. Custody and residence, contrary to what many people believe, are not one and the same. Custody deals with decision-making, while residence deals with where the child lives. It is possible, for instance, for parties to have joint custody but for the child to be primarily resident with one of the parties. Access is often the term used to describe the time that children spend with the parent with whom they do not primarily reside with. The governing principle that courts use to determine child-related issues such as custody, primary residence, and access schedules is in the best interests of the children.
Ideally, the approach to the resolution of parenting issues involves both parents working together and cooperating to come to an arrangement that works well for the family and is in the best interests of the children. However, in some circumstances, this ideal approach is just not possible. Ou experienced child custody lawyers Toronto at Kain & Ball deal with numerous cases involving the determination of child custody, access, and primary residence.
Why You Need An Experienced Access and Child Custody Lawyers Toronto
We have the experience and expertise to provide you with the right advice and strategy to negotiate the right custody, access, and residence arrangements for your family. In some instances, where a resolution cannot be reached by way of negotiation, it may be necessary to go to court to obtain an order for custody or access. In these cases, it is imperative that your child custody lawyer is a skilled advocate with litigation experience who will represent your interests and put your best case forward. Our commitment to our clients ensures that we will do exactly that. Among the lawyers at Kain & Ball are experienced negotiators, accomplished litigators, child custody lawyers Toronto and practiced advocates who take a client-focused, results-oriented approach to every aspect of a case.
At Kain & Ball, we understand that your children are your top priority, and as such our experienced team of family law lawyers will treat your child-related issues as just that: a top priority. We have the experience and expertise you need to deal with whatever child-related issues may arise in your case. The legal team at Kain & Ball has experience across the whole spectrum of child-related issues: from child protection matters and experience with the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) to dealing with the Office of the Children’s Lawyer (OCL) and custody and access assessments to dealing with mobility issues. At your free consultation, we will discuss your issues and ensure that you are matched with the best lawyer on our team to fulfill your needs.
To book your free consultation with our child custody lawyers Toronto, call 1-855-773-4588 or e-mail us at contact@kainfamilylaw.com.